Pausing, Canceling, or Upgrading Your Membership

Controlling Your Membership
You have full control of your subscription and can cancel, pause, or upgrade at any time.
Watch the Video | Step by Step Instructions | Access Questions | Upgrading Questions | Paypal Note | Further Help
To do this, login if you’re not already (login troubleshooting), and then go to your account page, by using the account link in the top of page menu.
Then, you’ll see several sub-pages and one of them is Subscriptions. You’ll see your subscription here, and in the “Actions” area you’ll see 3 links:
- Update – this allows you to update payment information
- Change Plan – this allows you to upgrade/downgrade your plan
- Pause/Resume – Pause allows you to put your account on hold. When you want to start it up again, you can come back and click Resume to begin your membership again*
- Cancel – this ends your subscription. You cannot restart this option, so if you’re unsure I’d recommend using Pause instead.
* Notes about paused subscriptions:
1. Paused subscriptions that are being paid via PayPal will only resume on the next billing date. eg. If your monthly subscription rebills every month on the 18th, and you pause it December 10th, then decide on February 25th to resume your subscription, your access will not resume until March 18th. This is only PayPal payments. Regular credit card payments will resume immediately because they will be billed immediately.
2. If you pause an Yearly subscription for a few weeks in the middle of the year, but it’s active by the end of the year, the renewal date will not change. In other words, if you’re paused for one month out of the year, you won’t be able to add that month to the end of the year before you are rebilled. The reason for this is that you still have full access for the entire year, no matter if your account is paused. Pausing really only prevents the next renewal from happening until you’re ready for it.
If you Cancel or Pause your subscription, when does your access end?
If you pause or cancel your subscription, you will continue continue to have access until your current subscription reaches its expiration date. For example, if you paused on the 15th of the month, but your current transaction is set to expire on the 20th, you will have access until the 20th. At which point you will lose access until you resume.
Upgrading Your Membership
If you purchased a Monthly membership you can upgrade to a Yearly or Lifetime (or if you have a Yearly you can upgrade to Lifetime) at any time in the current billing cycle and the rest of the billing period will be credited to you (prorated).
Monthly Example:
If you are halfway through a month, having paid $14.95, the Yearly membership will be discounted by half of $14.95 or $7.47.
Yearly Example:
If you have paid $107.64 for the Yearly membership and want to upgrade to the Lifetime after 3 months, it would be discounted by 3/4 of the Yearly payment or $80.73.
[x_alert heading=”If You Subscribed Using PayPal: ” type=”info”]To update your PayPal Account Information, please go to, login and edit your account information there[/x_alert]Need help?
No Problem! Just contact us here, and we’ll be glad to help with any concerns or problems.