

Our Mission

Is to bring powerful meditations and prayers to Christians seeking God to enrich their lives and assist them in knowing Christ


You want to reduce your stress, anxiety, depression, addiction and/or unbelief. You wonder why do I struggle with these problems?


I've created meditations that will focus your mind on Christ, assist you with living faithfully, so that the fruit of the Spirit increases in your life


The desire of God is for us to know him. He not only wants us to come to a saving knowledge, but also to enjoy a vibrant faithful and fulfilling life right now.

We Believe

We believe that meditation and listening to God has become a lost art. We believe that while secular meditation has some benefit, Christian meditation is far more powerful due to the fact that we are communicating with, and submitting to, the Almighty God of the Bible.


Dean Davis

Founder and Owner, B.R.E.

Dean’s personal journey into Christian contemplation and meditation began over 6 years ago and was an important part of overcoming the depression caused by the sudden and untimely loss of his Father in 2010. Wanting to contribute something to Christians everywhere he started Meditate On Christ in 2015.

Dean graduated from Eston College in 1992 and completed his bachelors degree in Religious Education at Canadian Bible College (now Ambrose University) in 1993.

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