
Day 9 – Glass half empty or half full?

One of my friends in junior high quizzed me, “is this glass half empty or half full?”

The big reveal was that apparently it was supposed to show if I had a positive or negative perspective.

I couldn’t understand that… so when I got home I asked my parents about it. My dad said that it was because if I was negative then I’d see the glass as half empty, whereas if I was positive I’d see the glass half full.


To me what mattered was: how did it reach halfway?

If it was being filled, then it would be half full.

If it was being emptied, then it would be half empty.

In other words, the description depended on its context.

‘And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”’ – Job 1:21

Perspective matters… but maybe not how we’ve been thinking about it.

Job had everything. He may have been one of the richest people around in all measures: finances, family, spirituality, all of it… he had it.

Then, in moments…
… it was all gone.

‘And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”’ – Job 1:21

Was his perspective negative or positive? Isn’t this a pointless question in the context? It doesn’t matter. He had lost everything.  And he knew what to say about it.

‘And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”’ – Job 1:21

If ever a person had a right to be angry, upset, or unforgiving it was Job.

Wasn’t it?

Wasn’t his life on the way down? Wasn’t his “glass half empty”? “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”

I weep as I write.

How could someone react this way?

How could they look at the that kind of pain in their life and say that?


I didn’t.


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  1. I’m still learning how to be grateful for all God has blessed me with.In someone else heart my glass has always been empty but I’ve learned a lot in the 7 sum years .My son was killed in 2013 at age 18.I couldn’t for the life of understand and wanted to be angry.But I realized he was on loan to me and God gave me him and then when needed He took him back. That’s how I learned to look at my glass being foiled.

  2. I like the manner in which you explained having a positive or a negative perspective regarding how you see the half glass of water. The perspective one has regarding life also makes a difference, regardless of circumstances. Is your perspective positive or negative? Is your glass half empty or half full. I hope half full, and on the was to being full!

  3. I couldn’t understand how Job who had everything and lost everything wasn’t upset or angry with God. But now i know that all his negative turmoils in his live was a test of his Faith in God. Cause God gives and he takes away, when you are weak, he makes you stronger.

  4. Last Sunday afternoon I watched a virtual performance of Shadowlands with characters portraying CS Lewis and his brief wife Joy. What an amazing story of deepening love and deepening sorrow in the pain of living with cancer and death. One of CS Lewis’ conclusions was that this life of suffering is a chisel preparing/perfecting us for our real lives forever in His Presence.