“The most gratifying thing I’ve ever done”

Starting and growing Meditate On Christ has been the single most gratifying thing I’ve ever done in my life apart from having our 3 wonderful kids.
Even though it’s just getting started, and everything I do is carefully considered due to the typical startup tight budgets, the feedback I get is amazing. I mean, I’m not surprised because I personally know this stuff works, but at the same time I’m so grateful when I get feedback that yet another person’s life has changed.
One of the problems our culture faces right now that impacts Christ followers is the level of noise we have. I don’t mean in the air, but in our minds. We can be out in the pristine wilderness and yet still be on our phones.
For example, a few years ago I climbed a mountain with my youngest, Allie, and we had good cell phone reception when we got to the top of the mountain. If I wasn’t careful I may have spent the whole time on the peak posting the ascent on social media instead of admiring the view with her. Instead of being with her.
The relationship between parent and child is one of the most powerful in terms of attention – if your child cries, you wake up!
Yet it becomes so easy to miss these moments due to the pervasive and addictive nature of the internet.
All that to say, this is the environment that the church finds itself in. Our attention has become our most valuable possession, yet we have less control over it than ever.
Therefore our spiritual lives suffer.
Our attention to God is weakened just as our attention to other aspects of life. I mean when God whispers, a notification doesn’t appear on our phones. Or an ad from God in our Facebook feed doesn’t draw us back to him.
So in a sense, that’s what I’m doing!
My own life was hijacked by depression, distraction, and anxiety, and I fought back with centuries old “technology” – the pursuit of God through stillness and meditation.
Now, by using the tools of the internet I’m sending out ads and messages to help us re-engage our attentional muscles with the Almighty. And the feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
As I said, totally gratifying!
Studies show that just 10 minutes per day for a week can produce measurable changes in people’s brains! And at 30 days the changes are pronounced. After a year of meditation the changes are more or less permanent, the brain is rewired. In other words, you’ll literally never be the same again: Resilient and Anti-Fragile.
And so when I hear feedback that Meditate on Christ “has helped with my anxiety and depression”, that people are learning how to “think on the things that are true”, or that they’re learning for the first time “how to meditate, and just be with God”, I’m so full of joy.
This is my calling and my passion. I want to help the world know the one true God. I want to help you learn what it is to be still and know that he is God.
You too can know peace, strength of mind, smooth emotions. Don’t let the events of life, online or offline, knock you down, but train your mind for balance.
Spiritual training is a real thing. Meditation and silence before God is the gym.
Just like a total exercise plan, I lead you step by step through the process of stillness and meditation. You don’t have to research, study, or go away to a monastery for years. You’ll learn by doing.
All you need to do, is click play once per day. You’ll meet with the Almighty, and your life will change.
Join me?