
2020 Calendar (Free Download)

Well, I didn’t think I was going to do a calendar, but the requests keep coming in… Please accept my apologies for not sending this out until now.

So, here’s the 2020 calendar!

As I stated last year, since meditation’s effects are cumulative, the more consistent you are, the better the results. Having something physical in front of me is a great reminder to do what I want to do, to build the habits I want.

It’s easy to use – it’s just a year at a glance, and all I do is I use a red marker and X out each day that I meditate.  It’s a great little tool, and it’s fun to see the days fill up.

[button shape=”square” size=”regular” href=”https://meditateonchrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2020-Calendar.pdf” title=”Example”]Download the 2020 Calendar (pdf) [/button]

Printing tips:  I like to print mine on high quality setting, and on thicker paper, since it’s going to be around all year and then the marker doesn’t bleed through either.

Happy 2020!

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