
You’ve Been Registered For The Workshop

Great!  I’ll be emailing you the details tomorrow!

If there is enough interest, I’ll let you know it’s a “go” tomorrow.

All I know right now, I emailed you already, but for the record here’s what I said:


Last week I announced that I’m about half done my first book.

And I also announced that I’d like to teach the book live in a workshop style program for the next 4 weeks.  The idea being I’d really like to interact with you, live, so that I can trial run some of the stories, ideas, and principles.

In other words, I’m seeking to talk to you if you’re willing to give my crazy ideas a try.

What’s the Peace In The Storm Process?

  • It starts with asking the question “What if the trouble you face is a gift from God?” and answering it with a practical, simple process
  • It’s a biblical way of living that releases you from pressures, guilt, and stress
  • A way of understanding the Bible that’s super useful on a day to day basis, not just as a Sunday school lesson

This is for you if you want to:

  • “get over” hurts from the past
  • forgive difficult things
  • deal with anxiety, worry, fear, doubt
  • fix long-standing problems in relationships
  • understand better how the Bible and everyday life fit together

My plan is to charge $197-$297 for the full coaching program.

But for you, as a “test subject”, LOL, it will be free, with the one caveat that you agree to give me feedback.

That’s it, just feedback.  Good, bad, indifferent, it doesn’t matter.

You see, there’s no point in you joining the program if you aren’t going to participate and let me know how it’s going.

What’s the format?

  • 4 weeks, starting this coming Wednesday.
  • Time?  7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain and 4pm Pacific
  • About 1 hour on Zoom, but I’m flexible on that

