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Helps me with my anxiety & depression
I really believe that Meditate on Christ has helped me these past couple months with my anxiety and depression and also most importantly in feeling closer to God. Thank you for making this available to me, you have no idea how much this has helped me in my journey to feel God’s presence more and more each day.
You are definitely appreciated, and I know God is pleased with what you are doing for all of those who you encounter to immerse God more in their daily lives and thus making their lives more enriching in all areas. Thank you again Dean, and God bless you as well, kind sir.
Susie Aukema
Pueblo, CO

"Since Starting I'm more conscious of my mind wandering into the land of the 'What ifs'"
Being a working widow, I tend to get into the “what if this happens” or “what if that happens”. Since I’ve started listening and doing my meditations each morning, I’m learning to be more conscious of my mind wandering into the land of the “What ifs”.
In Meditation I know now that I can bring my mind back to Christ and my breathing and let the “what ifs” flow down the river. Father said to think on the things that are true and just, not on what might happen.
Meditate on Christ has been a Blessing to this elderly woman.
Ramona Moore

A personal level with God
Before this program, I never really knew how to meditate, and just be with God. Of course, I have always given thanks, and I pray daily, but this is more of a personal level with God … Thank you so much for this opportunity! I look forward to receiving many more blessings and peaceful rest with God.
Julie Greer, LBSW
Medical Social Worker
Sulphur Springs, Texas

I Love This & I'm Very Careful About My Choices Of What I'm Letting In
I love the meditations and the fact that it is Christian based. I struggled with people’s opinions of meditating, being very careful in my choices of what I was “letting in” and you provided an answer to prayer.
Your guidance opened a different way thinking and I feel closer now to the Lord than I did before… Thank you so much for your help. You are a blessing.
Tour Business Owner
Erie, Pennsylvania

"I look forward to this everyday"
This is just awesome! I look forward to this everyday. Thank you so much!!
Carlisle, PA

New Deeper Level With God. Clarity & Memory Returning
I do my meditation at night because its totally relaxing and opens my heart, ears, and entire being to receiving God’s full loving embrace. I then follow with my bedtime prayers & various devotionals I read.
I have to say my clarity in understanding & my quiet time with the Lord throughout the day has been amazing!! Not sure if you have heard this before but I feel a transformation in my being, like a cloud has been lifted!! My memory, intelligence, everything is so much more vivid and clear – no more brain fog throughout the day. New deeper level with God!! I Thank the Lord for your series.
Kimberly Myers
Hudson, Ohio

This Solved My Confliction About Secular Meditation
Just finished day one and really enjoyed it, thank you. I started meditating a few months ago but being Christian felt conflicted because of what others said about it.
I always focused on God and the Holy Spirit in my meditation times but still felt others were judging it as wrong. So thank you for doing this program series.
Ms. Treena Thackeray
Surrey, BC, Canada
I have been a believer for 47 years but I never tried meditation...
I have been a believer for 47 years. Most of that time I have read and studied the Bible and spent time in prayer most days. However, I have never tried meditation. I just went through a rough time with depression and I can’t remember if I saw your site on fb but I decided to give it a try…
I have to tell you that I love that time each day. I still have my Bible reading, studying and prayer time but this time in God’s presence is now a vital part of my day… I will be recommending this to family and friends. Actually, I already have. Thank you for this ministry.
Paula Brown

You Changed Meditation from Boring to Instrumental
“Thank you for providing Meditate on Christ. I have been a long-time follower of Christ, and disciplines such as Bible reading, journaling, and prayer have been extremely important to me. I have tried meditation before. I never enjoyed it, never was able to sustain it, and frankly, never found it to be of much use at all.
Meditate on Christ has changed all of that for me. I look forward with anticipation to see what each new day holds. This has been instrumental for me as I am going through a season of life where I am not sure what I’m supposed to do next. This has been a stabilizing factor.”
Stan Horst
Entrepreneur and Business Owner,
Cabin Creekwood, Virginia

felt the presence of God in a powerful way
The program is a great tool for meditation. For many years I have practiced the moment to moment presence of God and also I spend quiet time in prayer and study as soon as I wake every morning for approximately an hour before time to get ready for work. But I’ve never been able to meditate, I have made a few attempts, but I’m one whose mind wanders excessively.
…so useful in directing me and bringing me back to focus when my mind would veer off. I liked the music and the guidance. I felt the presence of God in a powerful way, there was a strong sense of His presence to the point one time I was afraid to open my eyes because I thought I’d see Jesus standing there in the room!
Thank you for answering His call to this service for God’s people.
Donna Berry
Executive Assistant
Memphis, TN

Year Long Membership Turns 'Difficult Year' Into Best Year Ever
It has been about a year since I began my Meditate on Christ journey and I wanted to say thanks for really filling a need in the mindfulness/Christian discipline practice space! I have been thrilled to share meditate on Christ with many of the women I coach and mentor.
So a big note of thanks.
I have 40 years practice in spiritual disciplines– Bible reading, memorization, fasting and prayer but never consistent silence or meditation.
When I started meditating I was in the midst of recovering from a runaway child who had returned but was in a seriously depressed state. During the past year we hospitalized that same child for an eating disorder that was within weeks of claiming her life.
What I now know is this discipline of silence and meditation is giving God space to act. As a result, in the midst of one of the most severe life events (I have been through cancers and losses of family) my mind and spirit were not consumed with doubt and fear. There is good news of great joy for this child at this time. I am humbled by what God has done.
The largest takeaway is that God’s presence in a meditation practice has made this one of my best years despite all the above problems.
Location Withheld due to Personal Details

"I heard God more clearly than I ever have in my life."
“I absolutely love it….it’s life changing. It is the piece that was missing in my daily study and devotions. I have heard God more clearly this week than I ever have in my life.
It may help you to know I’m not a baby Christian… I am 67 years old, I am born again (33 years) and baptized in the Holy Spirit. I can only imagine what impact learning to meditate on Christ this way could have on young believers and corporately on the body of Christ.”
Cynthia Surace
Parrish, Florida

"I'm Thrilled -
We Need This"
“I’m 21 days in and I’m thrilled with Meditate On Christ. It’s simple, easy and I can’t recommend it enough. Spending time with God is something everyone needs to do, but rarely does consistently. This program answers that problem.”
Geoff Heth
Pastor of Community Engagement, Rockpointe Church
Calgary, AB

Thank you for the chance to get to relax and not stress
“I am loving connecting with God, before bed every night. It clears my mind and prepares me for a better understanding of being in His presence. Thank you for the chance to get to relax and not stress over all the little things. It has changed my life.
I look forward to spending quality time with the Lord everyday. He is my rock and my salvation.”
Candy Griffin
Sales Representative,
Pilot Mountain, North Carolina

"I felt Jesus was right there with me"
“I really enjoyed the 7 days of meditations. I felt very relaxed and a great calm in my spirit. No worries, as they seemed to disappear as I listened. I felt Jesus was right there with me. Thank you for these meditations.”
Barbara Johnson
Granbury, Texas

"re-connected me with the Living God"
The first, free 10 minute meditation session shifted my spirit so profoundly and so deeply re-connected me with the Living God that–after a dry spell of what feels like years–Meditate on Christ has become my daily bread.
I couldn’t ask for a better coach or spiritual mentor than in Dean Davis. Is God using the lost art of Christian meditation to “gather the exiles”? I think so, and Meditate on Christ is a home-coming. Thank you but, more importantly, I thank God through you.
Jeff Duba
Writer and Entrepreneur
Grand Rapids, MI

"I find it very helpful"
“Dean’s done a great job putting this together. I found it very helpful in entering into silence, just to be still with the Lord. I think anyone pursuing spiritual discipline like this will find this tool very helpful and encouraging.”
Darcy Siggelkow
Lead Pastor,
Generations Church
Nanaimo, BC

I'm 65 and wish I had learned this sooner
“Thank you so much for explaining how to be still & know God. The breathing exercise relieves stress & especially explaining that our breath is the Holy Spirit!!!. Makes so much sense & by recognizing His presence this way praying without ceasing is more than accomplished!!
“I’m 65 & I feel like I’ve been wandering for 40 years in the desert & so wish I had learned this sooner. May God continue to bless you.”
Christi Berry

Much More Restful Sleep, Calmer, and More Aware of His Presence
“Before I started with Meditate On Christ I easily got frustrated and angry, which caused me guilt. Already I am much calmer and was able to practice His Presence during some harried moments at work this week. He brought Scriptures to mind that I’d read in my morning devotions.
“I did one introductory meditation each night before bed this week after reading my Bible and experienced much more restful sleep. It also happened to coincide with Holy Week so as I thought about all Jesus went through for me, my problems paled in comparison. He reoriented my perspective.”
Carleen Roberts

"I Felt the Father's love"
I just want to say I am pleasantly surprised by how much I look forward to the Meditate on Christ meditations.
I have never really enjoyed meditating music and wasn’t sure it was really compatible with my Christian beliefs. But I really felt the Father’s love immediately and felt His presence.
Robin Hughes

"Sensing more and more God's Presence in my day"
I was particularly blessed by the message [re: Ducks] today that it requires a great deal of “flapping” to take flight. As I meditate on that thought/picture, I see how it applies to so many areas of my life even beyond the processes of sitting quietly meditating in God’s Presence.
I just finished the 14 day meditation on “Stillness” and am really sensing more and more my breathing & God’s Presence in my day. I am going to start it again tomorrow!
To God be the Glory!!
Marg Ridpath
Nepean, Ontario, Canada

Member for 3 Months Says: "This has become part of my daily survival"
I wanted to thank you for your obedience to start this online meditation. I have missed maybe 4 days of this since starting and it has become a part of my daily survival.
To think we can be aware of His presence at all times is so comforting. We forget He is with us when we start our day. I am a big believer of daily reading His word but to sit and be aware of His presence in my life completes my day. Thank you again.
Joyce Suggs
Printer, Owner
New York, USA

"healing from years of grief, heartache & adrenal burnout"
All I can say is thank you, thank you for this incredible, healing tool that is leading me deeper and deeper into the Holy Presence of God. It’s bringing me to a place of rest, safety, and peace I’ve never known. God is using it to cleanse me of lies I have believed all my life as I rest in His safe, loving arms.
The music, the rhythm, your soothing grace-filled voice & instruction is helping me to quiet my mind and anxieties. It’s still quite a struggle for me to focus on the breath without bombardments of thought, but I am learning.
It’s only been a few weeks but I am so encouraged by the progress! To God be all the Glory!! I am encouraged that I can and will heal from years of grief, heartache and adrenal burnout through the continual daily exercise of “Meditate on Christ.”
Erin Zeis
Business Owner
Atlanta, GA
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