
About Dean

My Journey and Why I Started Meditate On Christ

Hey, I’m Dean and I’m so glad you’re here. I’d like to share a little about my story and how I started meditating on Christ.

Father’s Passing

About 6 years ago I lost my father due to complications from a car accident in Las Vegas. He and my mother were taken to hospital with multiple rib, sternum, clavicle, and spine fractures. I flew down to them and after a week in I.C.U. they were both getting well enough to return home by air ambulance. The day we were to leave he passed away suddenly from complications.

In the months following, I struggled with depression, headaches, and insomnia. I began meditating as a way of dealing with his loss, adding it to my time with God in Bible reading, prayer, and journaling. It was through these practices that I was able to recover, grieve and smile again.

Business Failure

As a small businessman and entrepreneur I’d faced financial struggles before, but then in mid-2014 my business began to decline and I built up a year’s worth of debt trying to make it work. By summer 2015 I was working an entry level industrial job to put food on the table and provide for my family.

My soul (and body) ached and I wrestled with God over my failure as a businessman, father, and husband. For months I would wake up with panic and anxiety in the middle of the night or suffer bouts of worry about my future. Guilt and shame followed my footsteps.

My daily practice of prayer and Bible reading went out the window, but I cried out to God daily like I had rarely done before. Meditation moved to the fore, and when anxiety would come in like a flood I would drop everything, head to our basement and meditate, sometimes just for 15 minutes, sometimes longer, whatever it took until my trust was back on God.

Those times were the most difficult I have ever faced in my life, but I still look back on the time with God in silence and stillness as precious as gold. I learned things and more importantly I practiced things that I never would have otherwise.

God’s Direction

Creating a website for Christians to learn the type of meditation that I had been doing for 6 years had been on my heart for a few years. In fact, I had registered the domain name a couple of years before I even started the site. And one day, I knew God was telling me that I needed to start it.

The Difference

My post-secondary training was in theology (Bachelor of Religious Education) and I had grown up in a strong Bible teaching church. When I began meditating I automatically brought that education to it. I explored the possibilities and developed a Christ centered method of meditating that incorporated both the rich history of Christian meditation as well as the latest scientific discoveries about the mind.

I still didn’t know what people would think and I was nervous to share it. But then, when I did, I found that the pastors and people I shared it with were fully behind it and encouraged me to press on. Meditate On Christ is the result of their encouragement and my passion.

I love what stillness and meditation has done for me and I’m so happy that it’s working for others now.

I pray that you will be able to know God as you never have before and that you would develop and deepen your relationship with Him.

Dean Davis